SBC Library catalogue of Books/CDs/Journals, etc is available on the online and LAN visiting the following URL can access the catalogue sitting at home through internet.



/ (within the campus/Intranet)

 Web OPAC (Open Public Access catalogue ) is search engine for finding any catalog information of SBC Library.

The feature of Web OPAC are

  • Search facility: By specifying Author, Title, subject, year of publication or any other field.
  • Status of the book: Whether the book is on shelf or issued.
  • Number of copies available in library.
  • Due date for the borrowed books.

How to access the library web OPAC : 

  • User should type the IP address mentioned above in the internet explorer address  bar.
  • After clicking on above mentioned link OPAC screen will pop up on your computer/mobile
  • Click the OPAC and put the fields you required on Author, Title, Edition, etc. you will get details of book availability.


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