

Our library block built in commemoration of Dr.TMA Pai Birth Centenary is functioning effectively on the campus. The total no. of books added to our library during the current year is 752. The library collection has 80,442books, 120 journals, and periodicals
, and 40,000 e-books.

1. The College Library will be open on all working days from 8-00 a.m. to 5-00 p.m.

2. Each student will be given with two Borrower’s Cards. He/She can borrow any two books by surrendering these cards to the Library.

3. ONE Book: issued after 3.30 p.m. and return the next morning within 9.30 a. m.

4. The application for books duly filled up should be dropped in the box kept for this purpose by 9-30 a.m. Books will be ready for issue by 4 p.m. The application will be treated as cancelled if the book is not taken before the close of the Library, for the day.

5. One week’s time will be given for any book borrowed and renewals are made only on the physical production of the book and subject to lack of demand for the book from others. A fine of Re. 1-00 per day per book will be levied for belated returns/renewals.

6. Reservations for books may also be made on the application forms by subscribing the word ‘Reservation wanted upto-‘ on the application form. Reservation can be made for a maximum period of 10 days. But no guarantee of availability of books can be given.

7. Sub-lending of books is strictly prohibited.

8. Any damage to books in the custody of the borrower will have to be paid for and if the book is lost, the cost of the book with the prescribed penal fee shall have to be paid.

9. Strict silence should be maintained in the Library.

10. A classified Card Catalogue with two parts Viz., classified part and alphabetical index is maintained in the Library for reference and information about the books.

The Book Bank

1. The Book Bank is a unit of the College Library which has been established with the assistance of the University Grants Commission and some of the organizations. It contains textbooks on various subjects that are lent to poor and deserving students on a long term basis.

2. Applications in the prescribed form will be invited from the students for borrowing these books at the beginning of the year.

3. Two or more books will be issued to the students subject to the availability of the book.

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