An electronic Book also known as an e-book or ebook is a book publication made available in digital form consisting of text, images, computers or other electronic devices. There are good numbers of electronic books are available on the internet for free of cost. They are available in most of the subject areas. Here we have compiled few internet resources of e books for reference. Some are available for browsing and many are for download. Few sites require login to enter. |
Sl No | Item | Description | URL | Remarks |
1 | Openlibrary by Internet Archives | More than 3 Million Books for reading | https://openlibrary.org | Open Access |
2 | Many Books | More than 50000 e books for free. | https://manybooks.net | Free |
3 | Google Books | Search the World’s most comprehensive index of full-text books | https://books.google.co.in | free |
4 | Classic Book Shelf | Makes reading online enjoyable with its old classic collections | http://www.classicbookshelf.com/library | Free |
5 | Free Computer Books | Free Collection of computer books from all over the world | http://freecomputerbooks.com | Free |
6 | Bartleby Books | Provides free full text online access to reference, literature and verse books | https://www.bartleby.com | Free |
7 | Librivox | Free Audio Books to listen | https://librivox.org | Free |
8 | Authorama | Completely free books from a variety of different authors, collected here for you to read online or offline. | http://www.authorama.com | Free |
9 | Project Gutenburg | Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online | http://www.gutenberg.org | Free |
10 | Read print | Thousands of free online books | http://www.readprint.com | Free Online |
11 | Public library of India | This library of books, audio, video, and other materials from and about India is curated and maintained by Public Resource. The purpose of this library is to assist the students and the lifelong learners of India in their pursuit of an education so that they may better their status and their opportunities and to secure for themselves and for others justice, social, economic and political. | https://archive.org/details/digitallibraryindia | Free |
12 | Archive.org | The Internet Archive offers over 20,000,000 freely downloadable books and texts. There is also a collection of 1.3 million modern eBooks that may be borrowed by anyone with a free archive.org account. | https://archive.org/details/texts | Free |
13 | Read free Books | Questia’s library has over 5,000 public domain, classic and rare books that you can read online absolutely free! Find and read free books online by some of literature’s greatest authors | https://www.questia.com/library/free-books | Free |
14 | Wikibooks | Open content text Books that anyone can edit | https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Main_Page | Free |
15 | Free Books to Doctors | Promoting free books to doctors | http://www.freebooks4doctors.com | Free |
16 | Sacred text | Online books about religion, Mythology, Folklore and esoteric on the internet | https://www.sacred-texts.com | Free |
17 | Internet public library | More than 500000 essays on different topics | https://www.ipl.org | Free |
18 | The library of economics and liberty | Provides access to full text of classic economics books, essays and articles. | https://www.econlib.org/books | free |
19 | World library | Provides free access to collection listed under’public’ | http://www.netlibrary.net/default.aspx | |
20 | Directory of Open Access Books | Directory of Open Access Books | www.doabooks.org | Directory |
21 | Free PDF Books | Largest collection of books in pdf to download for free | FileHandler/204-NoFile | Free |